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5 Tips to stop my dog from biting!

Labrador chasing Squirrel

Stop a puppy or adult dog from play biting or with a bad habit of biting your stuff, such as furniture, wall, cables etc... almost anything he can find. You might need to puppy proof your house should you have a mouthy pup. Puppy-proof your house might save your pup's life.

Playing biting has become an alarming issue since our society has become affluent and we bring the puppy away from the littermate too early before they can start learning how to socialise and behave with his siblings. Now we as owner, took over this important role to educate our puppy on this skill.

Before we discuss how to stop your puppy from biting, let's have a look at how important is the mouth to your puppy.

Having a good look at their origins or they have been bred to do, you will have a good idea on how your dog will be using its mouth.

IE. Herding Breeds such as Border Collie, German Shepherd, Corgi, Australian Cattle Dog etc. These herding dogs use their mouth to move and control live stocks or Cattle herds.

IE Working Breeds such Aust Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Jack Russell, Yorkshire Terrier etc. These working dogs use their mouth to flush snakes, rodents, and pests.

Golden Retrievers, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers, Portuguese Water Dog, English Pointer etc, there working dogs using their mouth to retrieve on land and water and pointing and flushing birds.

Knowing their origins will help us to understand the importance is the mouth to the dogs. Therefore biting is part of use, sharpening, killing, tearing up preys, greeting, sensing and tasting the environment.

We need to provide ways for the dogs to exercise their mouth, such as biting. We all know ONLY SATISFIED dogs are good dogs. The level of Physical and Mental stimulation is important to the well being of our dog.

5 Ways to stop your puppy or dog to bite

Teach your pup to be gentle

We need to teach your pup to play gently with his mouth. Playtime is essential, however as you play, if the play bite becomes stronger and more aggressive you should shout OUCH! If your pup persists, end the game immediately.

Teach the house rule

The most important house rule NEVER allows your puppy to bite your hands, clothes, socks, shoes etc

Teaching your pup the house rule of taking the food or treat from you gently. If he fights, bites, growl or snaps, the food or treats will disappear suddenly. If you don't take your food or treats politely, your pup will not be allowed to eat treats.

Provide alternative

To provide an alternative is like legalising biting. You may have some toys just for biting. If your puppy bites your shoe, you will ask the puppy to exchange the shoe with a treat and thereafter bring him a legalise toy for him to chew.

Teach the skill of socialisation

Allow your puppy to have play time with other dogs. This natural way of teaching the puppy socialisation is an excellent way. If they play bites too hard, the receiving end dog will react and tell your dog such play is not accepted. However, I will recommend you supervised the socialisation time.

Teach a good restraint control

After teaching your puppy to be gentle, understanding the house rules, knowing what legal toys to bite and socialisation play-time, it's time to put these cue in command. Structuring such cues on demand, and teach it to be able to be called on demand is the KEY.

Do not leave it to chances, you should start training your puppy or dog. Look no further. PUPS Dog Training introduces positive dog training concepts sequentially through our life-skill levels obedience programs. Each level of dog training includes basic animal learning, puppy training tips and understanding how dogs tick!

Basic Dog Training and/or Animal Learning program helps students develop a basic foundation for dog training. Understanding how dog ticks help student process beyond foundational dog training skills to learn more advanced concepts and it's applications. It's more than just learning.

PUPS promotes positive interaction with animals. PUPS Dog Training is at it's Best! Kind, Fair & Effective!

Have fun & stay positive!

Dexter Sim, PUPS Resident Trainer

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