What Should I Do When I First Bring Home A Puppy?
Before bringing a puppy back to your home, a few things need to be in order. Some of the things include preparing the necessary dog supplies such as food, treats, water bowls and toys, discussions with your family members who are living with you to set some basic ground rules e.g. which part of the house can the puppy can access, dog-proofing your house to ensure chewable and breakable objects are kept out of reach of the puppy.
Being in a new environment and away from its mother can be quite intimidating for the little one so after the puppy arrives at your home, do keep the environment in your house calm and assured for at least the first one or two days. One way is to remind your family members to keep their volume down and try not to have visitors over in the first few days. You should also stay around the puppy, interact with it as much as you can and give treats to let it be comfortable with you. Orientate your puppy by introducing its bed, crate, toys and name it.
A daily routine should also be established for the puppy. Fix its meal times, amount and type of food for each meal so that you will not over-feeding or under-feeding your puppy. By controlling the amount of food, it will also be easier to gauge when your puppy needs to have a potty break. As for potty training, if you wish to grass train your puppy, it is advisable to bring it out for walks more regularly at the start so that you can get an idea the intervals between his toilet breaks. This is also because a puppy may not be able to hold in its pee or poo as well as an adult dog. After a few days, you can then schedule the outdoor walks knowing the intervals between walks will not be too long for your puppy. On the other hand, if you wish to house train your puppy, do give praises and treats when it pees or poo on the tray. Before your puppy is fully house trained, continue to bring it outdoors to do its business.
You should also start taking note of any food or environment allergies your puppy may have. Common symptoms include itching, hair loss, red and watery eyes, vomiting, diarrhea or swollen paws. When you suspect your puppy has an allergy, please consult a vet who will be able to provide appropriate advice and allergy medication if necessary.
Speaking of vets, your puppy’s first vet visit should be done within the first week of you getting it. The visit will help you determine if there are any inherent abnormalities, birth defects or parasites in your puppy. During the visit, you should also bring along your puppy’s vaccination history for the vet to make a recommendation and schedule the remaining vaccination appointments.
Lastly, most owners will also send their puppies for obedience training. These puppy training courses are extremely beneficial to your puppy and yourself as a dog owner as they will train your puppy to listen to your commands such as sit, come, stay and many more! These training are essential as they provide an avenue for you to communicate with your puppy and for it to understand what you expect from him or her. For most courses out there, your puppy will also receive a certification of achievement upon completion and passing the obedience test!
And you can pursue Dog Obedience Career by enrolling into Advance Obedience and/or Competitive Obedience Courses.
Tan Ying Yun
Asst. Dog Obedience Trainer
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