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Dog Sports Training in Singapore - Part 2

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Dog Sports Training Discipline available in the Singapore - Part 2

Dog Agility Singapore, PUPS Agility

Dog Obedience is also a Dog Sports Training Discipline, but we are not talking about Pet Dog Obedience, we talking about Competitive Obedience and also known as Dog Obedience Competition.

Type of Dog Sports Training Discipline available;

- Competitive Obedience*

- Dog Agility*

- Nose work or detection work

- Disc Dogging or Frisbee*

- Flyball*

- Doggy Dancing*

*dog sports available in local & international competitions

In this series, we are focusing on the dog training of DISC DOGGING, FLYBALL and DOGGY DANCING.


Dog Frisbee, Disc Dogging

Disc Dogging of Dog Frisbee is a easier field as in all you need a flying disc or frisbee and a dog that is willing to play fetch. The essential skill sets are reliable retrieve, willing to fly and catch a frisbee and you can put together great choreography and freestyle displays and you form a GREAT DISC DOGGING TEAM.

In the field of Competitive Disc Dogging, the challenges are the SINGLE DISC Event, the LONGEST CATCH and the DISC FREESTYLE. The Team with the highest scores will win the event.


Flyball Dog, Flyball PUPS

Flyball is a dog sport in which teams of dogs race against each other from a start/finish line, over a line of hurdles, to a box that releases a tennis ball to be caught when the dog presses the spring-loaded pad, then back to their handlers while carrying the ball.

Flyball is run in teams of four dogs, as a relay. The course consists of four hurdles placed 10 feet (3 m) apart from each other, with the starting line six feet (1.8 m) from the first hurdle, and the flyball box 15 feet (4.5 m) after the last one, making for a 51-foot (15.5 m) length.

The hurdle height is determined by the shoulder height of the smallest dog in the team. Under current North American Flyball Association (NAFA) rules this should be 5 inches (12.7 cm) below the withers height of the smallest dog, to a height of no less than 7 inches (20.3 cm) and no greater than 14 inches (40.6 cm). Current EFC (European Flyball Championship) rules limits the height to no less than 17.5 cm and no greater than 35 cm. Each dog must return its ball all the way across the start line before the next dog crosses. Ideal running is nose-to-nose at the start line.

The first team to have all four dogs cross the finish line error-free wins the heat. Penalties are applied to teams if the ball is dropped or if the next relay dog is released early.


Doggy Dancing, Freestyle to Music

Canine Freestyle is a Sport for all who love Music & Dog. There are 2 types of Doggy Dancing Discipline. Canine Freestyle is one of them, whereas the other is Heelwork to Music.

Canine Freestyle is learning and acquiring the repertoire of dog's tricks. When coupled with Music, the choreographed freestyle routine is known as Doggy Dancing.

No matter what dog's sport discipline you like to engage in, I suggest we do well in our basic Obedience Training which is the FUNdamental of all Dog Training.

Have fun & stay positive!

Dexter Sim, Professional Dog Trainer

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