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Fast Food Vs Fine Dining ...

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Dog Agility Class

Fast Food Vs Fine Dining...

I didn't expect we relate food to dog training. But it's the basic things in life that can help us to see and read in-between the lines.

With so much exposure to social media, internet and stuff, it can be tough for rookies or for that matter anyone to clearly segregate noises, distractions, hearsays from the truth.

There has been a big misconception that Corrective Methods are quick fixes while Positive Reinforcement Methods are long drawn technique.

I guess we stay in a World of Instant! Fast foods like MacDonald, Maggie Mee, Microwaves etc are norm. We do not have time to sit down to enjoy a proper meal. Even in dog training we are expecting instant results.

In my 15 years as a Professional Dog Trainer, I have seen and will not dispute the effectiveness of Correction Based Training. However, I have also seen and testify on the effectiveness of Positive Reinforcement Training.

The problem in most dog training is motivation. In motivation, I'm talking about finding out what make your dog ticks? Not able or refuse to find out what works, will make your training cycle longer than average.

And the other problem I think is expectation and it can be a sure stopper. In our life, we are so use to the old generation way of life. We are all very well trained in picking errors and passed judgements. How about if I tell you, if you spend the same enthusiasm and energy in catching the good behaviours, your dog will start repeating these good behaviours and start giving good and reliable behaviours. Won't you start eyeing on the positive stuff?

If only we can approach training as in fine dinning, don't rush through dishes, start with appetizer, salad, soup, main course, desert and coffee. It will allow time to communicate, digest and bond with your dog, I'm sure, you will have so much better results.

Is there a significant difference in spending a good 15 minutes in training versus a rush, rush 3 minutes type in training?

Let's squared it, if we want a good 15 minutes attention from our dog, we will need to reciprocal a good 15 minutes of solid training. You will get where you want to go.

Happy Training & Stays Positive.

Dexter Sim, Dog Obedience Trainer

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