How to change a dog's behaviours?
In dog training, changing or modifying your dog behaviour is sometimes critical and necessary.
To change or modify a dog behaviour or behaviours are not rocket science. All can be achieved through a well thought dog training plans for Benji.
There are typical THREE ways to modify a behaviour.
1. Fun & Positive = Increases in offered behaviour,
2. Negative & Unpleasant = Decreases in offered behaviour and
3. No Change = No Fun, No Benefit = Decreases in offered behaviour.
Let's have a thorough look into each way and how we can achieve the change in behaviour.
1. Make the situation Fun, Present, Positive and Rewarding = Increases in offered behaviour,
ALL Behaviours are modifiable by its consequences. We are looking at making the experiences, situations fun and positive. It will increases in the offered behaviours.
Take an example of you feeding your dog off your dining table. By feeding during meal-time, it will provide fun, positive experience as it builds into a bad behaviour where your dog will start to beg for food during meal-time.
Take another example of you treating your dog every time you called him. This good and pleasant experiences will builds and it becomes a good habit of come when called. This is a good way to build a STRONG RECALL.
2. Make the situation Not fun, Unpleasant, Negative, and non-rewarding = decreases in offered behaviour and
ALL Behaviours are modifiable by its consequences. We are looking at making the situation not fun, unpleasant and negative. It will decreases in the offered behaviour.
Take an example of a cat frequent visit to the rubbish dumpsters. In this context, you will see that the cat no longer visit the dumpster due to the negative consequences he experienced during his last few visits. It will decreases the unwanted behaviour.
Take another example, if your puppy likes to bites your hands or play rough everytime you engage with him, it will leads to wanted behaviour. However if everytime he bites you, there will be timed out. (Everytime he bites, he will loose the owner's attention)Your dog will realize very soon, the negative impact and they will choose the appropriate responses. Thus biting will stop ...
3. No Change and/or Status Quo - Maintain or unchanged of environment = No benefit, thus decrease in offered behaviour.
ALL Behaviours are modifiable by its consequences. We are looking at making the situation not fun, unpleasant and negative as we do nothing or no reaction. It will decreases in the offered behaviour.
Take example of walking your dog daily. If your dog reacts on his walk, it can be very frustrating. Sometime it could be the owner reaction by tightening the leash, or reacts differently that triggers the outrage in your dog.
In this context, if you remain calm, non reactive and walk gently away from the situations with many passes, it will eventually decreases the interest of your dog to be reactive. Sometime by doing nothing will send a signal to your dog and you can achieve your objective.
However if you are having issues with your dog, you might want to engage a Professional Dog Trainers who uses Reward-Based Training Technique to give your dog training a positive and fun experience.

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