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Build Your Dream Team!

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Dog Agility at PUPS Dog Training

Teamwork is forgoing it's own personal glory or agenda but to fulfill the Team Glory by being a team player to fulfill the bigger glory for the Team. Just like figure skaters, Basketball, football, dancing etc... all these requires the team members to look at the Team Performances above personal agenda.

When it comes to working with animals, the challenges and uncertainty are even greater. Your training partner is an animal, be it a Horse, Dog or Mammals, all require a great deal of patience, love, willingness to work and reinforcement history as a team. As your partner cannot communicate in words, is by working closely together to build the unparallel bond and belief.

In this discussion, I will be looking at dog's sports, such as Dog Agility, Disc Dogging, Doggy Dancing, Dog Obedience, Nosework etc. Regardless of the Dog Sports, the level of commitment from both the partners is essential and pave the way for great achievements.

However today, I would like to focus on Dog Obedience and how to build a dream team to achieve greatness together.

5 Steps to a Successful & Effective Team.

Step 1: Establish good leadership. Here the leadership, I don’t mean Dominance, but you should take the lead in what to plan for training, Having the Life Cycle of Dog Training, (you can refer to Life Cycle of Dog Training on the previous Blog) you will have a strong program to ensure success. If your dog trusts you, he will work effectively in dog training.

Step 2: Establish bond & trust with your dog. How do we build the bond and develop trust in the Dog-Man relationship? Remember the fun element in training will bolster the bond. You can refer to my FUN Versus ENGAGEMENT Blog for details. Building Trust is all about the history of reinforcement. (You can refer to History of Reinforcement). If your training system becomes predictable, it will help your dog to drive even harder in order to get the predicted reinforcement.

Step 3: Build a healthy routine with your dog. Establishing a good routine is the key to success. The routine can be regarded as Turn-On Key, Bridge, or Chains of behaviours before the reinforcement.

Step 4: Foster the bond by practice, practice, practice. There’s nothing more important than Training, Training, Training, Practice, Practice, Practice and Practice Makes Perfect!

Step 5: Set Short & Long Term Goals. Setting Goals is one thing, but tracking the progress, is the key to success. In dog training, I believe in taking baby steps, learning skills one-by-one. Build the behaviour strong, before we can proof it and ready to call on demand. Spend some quality training, working on your training plan before you embark on them.

With all these 5 Steps of Skills and Plans, your Dream Team is on the way to recognition. If you stick to your plans, your dog will be able to read you like a book and vice versa is with this inlet understanding that brings out the BEST PERFORMANCES by the Dream Team.

Look no further, start by planning. If you need professional help please call Dexter at 8774-0168 or email for a free consultation.

Have fun & stay positive!

Dexter Sim Dog Obedience Trainer

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