Retrieve Work is a fun game for your dog!
Fun Retrieve by Hermes & Yee Chong
Retrieve Work and/or training is not a basic Obedience work. You need to train your dog, first to pay attention to you and to find you interesting and to want to work with you.
After the response aspect of training is iron out, we can embark into field work such as Fun Retrieve and eventually with Full Formal Retrieves such as Retrieve on flat and Retrieve Over High Jump Exercises. These higher Obedience Exercise need more time to learn and master it.
Regardless of whether your dog is a breed that retrieve naturally, retrieve work can be taught and it's a vital skill set that we need, should you want your dog to be an asset more than a liability to you and your household.
Dog that has a job to do, naturally fits well into our society. Jobs to do, provide your dog a purpose in life and that keep them stimulated. Better stimulated dog are good and obedience dog.
FUN Retrieve provides an element of fun play into the exercise, which provide most dogs the motivation factor to do a good job.
Look at the video of Hermes and Yee Chong. This was the first attempt on this fun retrieve. Hermes wasn't too interested in retrieving at first. However after a good pairing or classical conditioning, Hermes found the act of retrieve became so much fun and rewarding.
And the end result, a strong behaviour that does the exercise well.
You can up the criteria like shaping tour dog to exchange the toy for food and eventually drop the toy on your hand before he is rewarded for the behaviour.
So what's next? (Watch out for the next video ...)
A formal retrieve such as Retrieve on the flat and/or Retrieve Over the High Jump. These higher Obedience exercises are Head Turner and a very classy trick to show off how well train your dog can be.
Have fun & stay positive!

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