Good Bye to our handsome Buddy Boy!

Buddy (2004 to 2014)
It's a very sad day on Friday, 12 September 2014, when I heard the bad news on the passing our our HANDSOME BUDDY BOY! RIP Buddy! Please take care and have fun and join your flyball teammates that are in heaven. Buddy was one of the Pionner of CRAZYK9 FLYBALL TEAM in Singapore!

This CrazyK9 Flyball Team have done signifcant FLYBALL DEMO at 2008 National Day Observance Ceremony by Yio Chu Kang CC and 2011 RUSTIN RUN DEMO.
Buddy came and started his basic of us at Simei Shopping Centre back in 2004. We have seen Buddy grows up nicely from a youngster till today he is the MOST Sort-after Border Collie many dog owners would love to have. Thanks to their lovely and supportive parents; Tina & Patrick, Buddy has shown many talents and did extremely well in Obedience, Flyball and Agility!

Buddy was one of the local 3-dogs team that qualifed for the Cynosport World Game DAM! (Dog Agility Master 3-dogs Team) See the fun and the great achievement from their teammate; Billion and Ruday & Lucky & Agnes.
Buddy has leave behind a great impression to all our hearts and I'm sure we will never forget this lovey BUDDY BOY!
Buddy have a great time in heaven and till we meet again!
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