Dog Adoption, who is rescuing who?

Below are some of the shelters you can go to select your prospective dog adoption. Every shelter has their sets of requirements and expectations. I had my fair share of both the good and bad experiences with the shelter people.
List of Shelters
1. Animal Lovers League 2. Exclusively Mongrels 3. Save Our Street Dogs 4. Chained Dogs Awareness 5. HOPE Dog Rescue 6. Adopt A Dog 7. Metta Cats & Dogs Shelter 8. Action for Singapore Dogs & 9. Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
In recent years, you will not be surprised that dog's breeds up for adoption have the mixture of pure breeds, cross-breeds and mongrels.
If you do some research, you will be able to find the dog breeds that fits your lifestyle. I always think we should never impose on people what dog breed you should adopt or else you will be branded an outcast. This is so unnecessary and ungraceful ...
Benefits of adoption.
1. You can get an adult mature dog, making easier for 1st-time owner, 2. Likely no teething issues, since the teething period is over, 3. Give a dog a Second Chance by saving a life, 4. You can have a fully trained dog, 5. You can tap on lifetime support group, 6. You can see the full personality of the dog before adopting, 7. You can always foster a dog before adopting one, 8. You can find some awesome breeds or mixes available for adoption, 9. Adopt a dog that has been screened, 10. Your dog will be grateful to you. and 11. You pay less for an adoption.
If you are looking for a dog or puppy, do consider adopting one from our friendly shelters as mentioned above.
Dog Training 102
Once you have successfully adopted a dog, dog training is next you should consider. Having your dog train is a great way to interacts, bond, trains and building the basic impulse controls. If you need help in Dog Obedience Training, kindly check out our BASIC LIFE SKILLS LEVEL 1 & 2.
PUPS Dog Training School introduces positive dog training concepts sequentially through our life-skill levels programs. Each level of training includes basic animal learning, dog training tips and understanding how dogs tick! Basic animal learning program helps students develop a basic foundation of dog training.
As always, have fun & stay positive!

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