Dog Assistant Trainer - My Fabulous K9 Assistant!
To All My Fabulous Dog Assistant Trainers past and present!

My very first K9 assistant was OTCH res Diamondisle Loch-N-Legasi CD, PS1, PJ1, Benji
Benji was the pioneer as a canine assistant trainer in our classes. He greeted all Canines Friends and Owners alike. But I'm sure he loved the owners most. Because of the generous rewards, affections given to him.
Benji was awesome in Class, he would sit through the entire 1 - 1.5 hours of dog training per class. His present allows other dogs to calm down and quickly gets into the class proper. Benji was very often a Demo dog to show the class how a particular exercise is being done and rewarded appropriately.

Our Second Dog assistant is OTCH Diamondisle Millenium Millie, JD
Millie provides the actual lessons you can learn on how to manage a hyper dog. Even at 11 years old, she herd, frisbee catching, jumping on your back and leg stalled.
However, in class, she is involved rounding up her class and herd them back in class proper.
Millie is a superb demo dog in training. She roams around but stays within the class. This girl exhibits Good Canine Quality and see how a well trained dog can perform and stay relevant in real life situation like Park Setting.

Our Third Dog Assistant is Diamondisle Angle Wing of Begonia, Guinness
Guinness is driven, hard-headed dog, when she locked on to you good luck, she will spend all her energy to mesmerizing you into submission.
Benefits of having a Canine Assistant in Dog Training Class
The actual benefits are enormous. Here are some benefits if your OB Class has a K9 assistant in participation.
1. Act as a distraction,
2. Allow other dogs to settle down easily,
3. Allow proper socialization in class,
4. Act as a Demo dog,
5. Allow visualizing how a well-trained dog behaves,
6. Teaching the client you need focus in your own dog in order to get good results,
7. Use as a replacement to work with when your pup loses interest in class and
8. To provide the companion to the client when low turn up rate in some classes.
Of course, there are benefits for us as trainers too. I can train focus, attention, responses and most importantly, our dog generalize the situation and are able to be attentive to us in all situations.
Dog Training 101
Good Canine Citizen is part of dog training 101. Having your dog train is a great way to interacts, bond, trains and building the basic impulse controls. If you need help in Dog Obedience Training, kindly check out our BASIC LIFE SKILLS LEVEL 1 & 2.
PUPS introduces positive dog training concepts sequentially through our life-skill levels programs. Each level of training includes basic animal learning and understanding how dogs tick! Basic animal learning program helps students develop a basic foundation of dog training.
Having a K9 assistant is a great honour, I am privilege to have so many K9 assistant helping in my class and I'm sure our students would have benefited alot of their present at Class.
Training is always fun! Stay Positive!
Dexter Sim
Resident Trainer

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