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Practice Make Perfect!

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

Practice Make Perfect!

I would reckon the skills of Dog Training is like our driving skill. If you do not drive for a long time, not that you have forgotten how to drive a car, you losses your road sense, find it hard to cope with the traffic and your car. It's exactly like Dog Training, all the skills you acquired, if you do not practice, you will loose the ability to recall these behaviours when you need them.

Not having practice, you will make it difficult for Benji to respond spontaneously. Not practicing, you have allow your dog to learn how to disengage with you, this is a No-No in dog training.

Do the right thing, train you dog and help him to be an asset rather than a reliability to your family. It's your choice, the quality life of Benji depend on how you choice to practice with him. See Siew Tin and Xiao Huang, a 5-month female Golden Retreiver, she has master the Walking on Loose Leash and not affected by distraction of a dog.

Here show another video of Xiao Huang, working on Recall Exercise. I dare to say, if Siew Tin do not practice of Xiao Huang, this team will not have nail this exercise. Look at the absolute Attention, Accuracy and Attitude of good training that comes with PRACTICE.

As young as 5-month, is Xiao Huang too young to concentrate. But see for yourself , Xiao Huang performances, this team will go a long way, if they continue to practice, practice and practice. ONLY through PRACTICE, Xiao Huang will always be ready to response whenever she is called!

Today Xiao Huang PASSED our Private Basic Obedience Training Assessment with FLYING COLOURS!

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