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Engagement is the Key Part 2!

Engagement is the Key Part 2!

Video - Show the how fun & exciting dog sports training can your dogs gets into ...

FUN is an important part in dog training. Is your dog having fun when he or she trains with you? Are you more in reprimanding or reinforcement mode? Is your role in training helps your dog to understand the exercise or adding confusion?

FUN enhances engagement, if your dog stall to start training, you can NEVER or EVER getting any quality in training.

Always goes into training with training objective. If you do not know what you want to achieve in training, you ain't going to achieve anything! However if you have a single OBJECTIVE or OBJECTIVES, your training sessions will build around getting your dog to understand the training and building on the behaviour with LOADS of REWARDS.

Let's all spend some time writing down our training objective every time we intend to train. With objective, I'm sure you will spend time breaking down the training sessions into bit size for our dog to learn.

Happy Training, have fun & stays positive!

Dog Sports Trainer

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