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PUPS Wishes Everyone a Fabulous New Year!

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

PUPS Wishes Everyone a Fabulous New Year!

PUPS Winning Team, Dog Training

SHASHA & David

PUPS Winning Team

ROXY & Maureen

PUPS Winning Team

TRIXIE & Kathy

PUPS Winning Team

TERRY & Pearlene

PUPS Winning Team

A-STAR & James

PUPS Wishes everyone a Happy & Fabulous New Year - 2015!

Year 2014 has been very challenging and lots of Up & Down for me, and that makes my life more interesting. There bound to be successes, failures, excitments, discouragements ... above all in his own time, God will make sense to us all. And with all respect, event in Dog Training, it will be governs by his love, goodness and mercy.

2014 was a very sad year, I lost my Dad in June and lost my girl, Mikah in October. Feeling very lost and msierable, I was very comforted with all the fun, goodness, success and preservence of our cllients. It's their commitment and belief coupled with Good Science Training System, they now enjoy the benefits and fun it come with good dog ownerships.

Look at SHASHA & David, ROXY & Maureen, TRXIE & Kathy, TERRY & Pearlene and A-STAR & James, all displaying great confident, happy and attentive animals and handlers in action! I'm very proud and happy with especially with great success in Singapore Specials, German Shepherd Dog etc busting the myth where these breeds cannot be train by positive training system.

And our MILLIE is awarded the prestigious Obedience Trials Champion (OTch) for Year 2014. And Millie is the 4th OTCHs crowned by PUPS.

Millie, SKC Obedience Trials Champion

In this NEW YEAR, I hope all owner will be willing to explore Positive Training and/or Reward Based Training System. This form of training system, allows your dog to think and get himself or herself always in your REWARD ZONE. Is this understanding that will build your bond and to allow you to maximize your dog's ability to excel in everything you would like to do with your dog.

As always, have fun and stay positive!

Dexter Sim, Professional Dog Trainer

#ObedienceTrialsChampion #RewardBasedTraining #UKI #CynosportWorldGames #PositiveDogTraining #SingaporeKennelClub #Puppy102Class #DiamondisleKennel #dogadoption #SKC #dogrescue #PEAKAgilityTrainingCentre #Puppy101Class #SKCObedienceTrials #SuperbRecall #MedleyRecall #JFFEvent #DlearningAgilityClass #CyberAgilityClass #PUPSDLearningClass #DogBehaviouralModificationClass #PetDogTraining #DoggyDancing #dog #travellingwithapet #PUPSDogTraining #FlyballTeamSingapore #dogtraining #PuppyTraining #dogtrainingsingapore #BehaviourConsulting #dogagility #FlyballDemo #DogSportsTraining #DiscDogging #dogagilitySingapore #PUPSAgility #PUPSAcademy #SuperDogEvent #DogTrainersCertification #PUPS #PUPSCyberObedienceClass #Nosework #DogObedience #PUPSObedience #FlyballDog #USDAA #AgilityCourseAnalysis #CompetitiveObedience #PottyTraining #FCI #JustForFun #DogFrisbeeTraining #BoardTrain #JammingStudio

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