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The Positive Journey of Disc Dog!

Writer's picture: Dexter SimDexter Sim

The Positive Journey of Disc Dogging!

Benji , Dog Frisbee Training

Disc Dogging is the training of playing frisbee with your dog. With no particular set routine, you can train your dog to do frisbee or flying disc just for fun. Frisbee Training is a good bonding exercise and it helps to exercise our dog physically, mentally and psychologically. Disc Dogging can be physically demanding and it's advisable to do a vet check before proceeding with this great hobby. Especially in Hot & Humid Singapore, short training, water and plenty of rest is the KEY to SUCCESS!

Disc Dogging

In many countries before you embark into Disc Dogging Training, it is recommended that you bring your dog through some basic dog training classes. The basic positive dog training classes will focus on your dog's responses, attention and willingness to work. It's like going through our education system of selective curriculum , before you are ready to take on major field of discipline.

Dog Frisbee Training

Skill sets that is necessary to pick-up are;

- Juggling,

- Butterfly take,

- Multiple,

- Takeover leg,

- Leg Vault'

- Back Vault,

- Front Vault,

- Side Vault,

- Aubrey,

- Back,

- Circle,

- Rebound,

- Back Stall,

- Back Weave,

- Side Weave,

- Moving Weave,

- Mouth-take,

- Forehand throw,

- Backhand throw,

- Hammer throw,

- Bounce throw,

(not limited to)

International Disc Dogging Competition usually uses the PAWS Scoring System to judge the competitors.

P denote Presentation,

A denote Athleticism,

W denote Wow Factor and

S denote the Success of Disc Catching.

I remember my very first Disc Dogging Demonstration was for the audition for the 60 SECONDS TO FAME Program. Given a very small stage to perform, I got very little out of my dog and the Disc Catching Success rate was very low. Even-though I was relatively impressed by my girl MILLIE, we as team did extremely well and we thoroughly enjoyed the routine. Of course we didn't make it to the next round, but it was a stunting experience.

Since then we have had many more demonstration like Rustin Run, Just-For-Fun Competition, SKC Demonstrations, Stadium Cove etc My remarkable Frisbee Dogs are Black Diamond Maximillion,Max, DiamondIsle Loch-N-Legasi, Benji; and DiamondIsle Millennium, Millie. Now I'm working to train up our next Frisbee Dogs, Guinness, Jadie and my newest adopted member Acer.

The Power of Positive Dog Training aka Reward Based Training Technique works well with Dog Sports, especially in very physical demanding Dog Sports, MOTIVATION is the KEY to SUCCESS! Using of force or correction will kills the drive and making the activity of Disc Dogging very negative and boring.

Positive Dog Training Rock!

Have fun & Stay Positive!

Dexter Sim, Dog Trainers Singapore

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