ACER - It's a dog's life!

ACER aka Teson was adopted on 16 June 2014 from a very busy family. Due to the lack of time caring for Teson, he was put up for adoption. It’s was love at first sight and I decided to adopt Teson. And I changed his name to ACE or ACER. ACER is a young & lack of socialization. Being adopted into my multi-dogs household, he is being exposed to various sizes, colours, characters of Border Collies and not forgetting my little princess CHH, PICCA.
It was easy, when ACER did not react to BENJI, if not it will be a BIG Challenge for have ACER in the house. Since then he has 2 best of pals; Phoebe and Mikah is his favourite, two others that he has a love-hate relationship is SPICE and GUINNESS … he love being chase but don’t enjoy being nipped!
Beside learning to socialize and living harmoniously, ACER has been introduce to Positive Dog Training System where we based our training in Reward-based Techniques. He is responding very well to positive dog training. On Obedience front, he has been good on Stays, Sit, Down, Recall, Touch & Name Calling. Not too bad for a young lad, who starting learning so late in age.
ACER has also some very unusual habits. I cannot say it’s bad habits as its really not that bad, except for the marking issue that comes with a Male Dog. (Battery included J)
1. ACER stretches upward, when he is leaning against the door or on me, he stretches as a cat,
2. ACER perform a down position like a helicopter landing flat,
3. ACER melts onto the floor when you greet him near your feet,
4. ACER’s tail is almost always UP like a Spitz, but it should not for a BC. However I can see more a relax tail when I walked him.
I have also switched him to BARF Diet. Can see that ACER is loving his BARF Diet and he officially ignoring Kibble for NOW.
Oh I must say he is FAST! Zooming around my top speed Borders, and keeping himself on par with my speeding demons at home.
#RewardBasedTraining #UKI #CynosportWorldGames #PositiveDogTraining #SingaporeKennelClub #Puppy102Class #DiamondisleKennel #dogadoption #SKC #dogrescue #Puppy101Class #SuperbRecall #MedleyRecall #JFFEvent #DlearningAgilityClass #CyberAgilityClass #PUPSDLearningClass #DogBehaviouralModificationClass #PetDogTraining #DoggyDancing #dog #travellingwithapet #PUPSDogTraining #FlyballTeamSingapore #dogtraining #PuppyTraining #dogtrainingsingapore #BehaviourConsulting #dogagility #FlyballDemo #DogSportsTraining #DiscDogging #dogagilitySingapore #PUPSAgility #PUPSAcademy #DogTrainersCertification #PUPS #PUPSCyberObedienceClass #Nosework #DogObedience #PUPSObedience #FlyballDog #USDAA #AgilityCourseAnalysis #CompetitiveObedience #PottyTraining #FCI #JustForFun #DogFrisbeeTraining #BoardTrain #JammingStudio