Recalling our CRAZYK9s Flyball Team!
CRAZYK9s Flyball was formed in Year 2005 and we have been in various FLYBALL DEMONSTRATIONS through out Singapore to promote the Great Dog Sport of Flyball! We did DEMOS in Yio Chun Kang Observance National Day 2006, JFF (Just-For-Fun) Competiiton at Bishan 2008, and Rusti-Run 2010.

We started with only about 6 dogs and we grew into about 8-10 dogs strong Team. From an ALL-Border Collies Team to a multi-talented Team. Our Team Members are;
- Micky (BC) & Christine Ang
- Buddy (BC) & Tina Chee
- Keesha (Aussie Shepherd)& Debra Sim
- Kaiser (BC) & Kenneth Chen
- Max (BC) & Dexter Sim
- Bozz (BC) & Ken Ng
- Billion (BC) & Rudy Lau
- Vidya (AM Cocker) & Yu Lin
- Sparky (Corgi) & Gloria Fong
- Benji (BC) & Dexter Sim
We want to pay tribute to 3 of our deceased flyball members in RED. Without them, we would not have succeeded in making our flyball team.
The great memory of training in the past, has helped us to be very good friends and I'm looking forward and determine to see this sport grow.
Back by popular demand, we have received many requests to recall our flyball team and together to build up 2 strong team to compete.
I'm proud to say, CRAZYK9s has been recalled and we will resume our training once the flyball boxes arrive in Singapore.
Have fun & stay positive!

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