Chen Wan Sheng, PUPS Certified Trainer

Dec 20, 20182 min

Home Dog Training

Home Dog Training.

This will be the last Blog of Year 2018. What a Year it has been for us and we look forward to a Great 2019!

I have gotten questions from fellow dog owners asking me how often they should train their dog. The short answer is, as often as you can. That said, keep it short and fun. It can be anything from a minute to say 5 or 10 mins, depending on their response.



You will be surprised how much you can do in a few minutes if you can keep the session fun and rewarding. I usually reserve the sessions to just before meal times, before walks and before the end of walks. Simply put, these happen everyday (assuming you walk your dog everyday... If you don't, you should start asking yourself, why not?), which means, there are multiple training opportunities everyday. Mindset is important. Training the dog is not just about the dog, it is also about honing the handler's technique. The more you do it, the better you get, the easier it gets. Dog Training also builds bonding. When you train, you are engaging the dog, drawing their attention and rewarding them. Repeated frequently, a positive association forms.



In a typical day, we do fairly static exercises at home before meals. Exercises such as sit, down, stay, paw, etc and throw in a few retrieves and tug to keep things fun. Before walks, stay commands for putting on leashes/getting ready. I always try to throw in some simple exercises towards the end of the walk where the dog is sufficiently walked and had his fair share of sniffing. Exercises such as heeling and targeting can be thrown into the mix of the typical medley of sit, down and stays. If the opportunity arises (for us, it's cat food around the neighbourhood), you can even practice 'leave it' exercises. Be creative with your environment and use them to your advantage.



In summary, you don't have to put aside a huge amount of time a day for dog training. Short sessions with a higher frequency will add up just fine. Almost everything you do with the dog can have some element of training incorporated in them. The above exercises are just some suggestions, but the sky's the limit. Be patient and you will be surprised how well they respond to you.


You may want to find out how to customise a training routine for your dog from your trainer.


Wan Sheng

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