Please give me some tips or advice that can help my dog lose weight. He has eaten so much recents days and he is in obesity.
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As a rule of thumb, I will suggest you either deworm your puppy or see a vet to rule out any medical conditions that could contribute to his obesity.
Once you rule out any medical concerns, you can work on these five steps to help your puppy or dog shed those excessive pounds.
Regular exercise, such as 30-45 minute walks, is beneficial to your animals.
Feed regular meals, remove all other small snacks and treats, If you are using treats as training, you can remove the excess weight of the treats from his regular meals.
Feed only 75–80% of his regular diet as prescribed by the food manufacturers and
Build a long-walk routine at least once a week if possible (60–90 minute walks)
Intermittent fasting for your dog is a great option. Dogs, as carnivores, only start hunting when they are hungry, and that provides them with a good period of time for proper digestion and prepares the body for new feeding. It is recommended as a good option to feed your dog only once. a day to keep him in optimum condition. (Not recommended for puppies.)