Dexter: What to do when the dog refuses to eat?
Dr Linh: Every dog can have anorexia regardless of age. However, a dog's refusal to eat often has two leading causes: pathological or psychological. To solve the problem of dog refusal to eat, you need to identify the cause.
As for psychological anorexia, the reason is that you have been pampering your dog. You often change their diet, give them a lot of tasty meals, and then suddenly return to their daily routine, causing the dog to stop eating. Or it is still possible that they will even eat, but eat less. And gradually will form an anorexic habit.
To overcome this problem, you can apply the following:
Make a good habit for your dog by letting a meal last only about 10-20p, if the dog eats after that time, but all the food away. Doing so will help the dog understand they are only allowed to eat during that time. Since then, help increase eating efficiency.
Provide a quiet space for the dog to avoid being disturbed by other animals while eating. Besides, you should feed your dog on time and in the right place.
You also should not change the dog's food suddenly. For example, from wet to dry food, one company to another ... If you want to change because the dog's current food is not good and does not meet the nutritional requirements, you should change slowly. Add new bits of food to your diet daily until your dog has wholly eaten the new food.
In addition to the psychological cause, the dog refuses to eat also has a pathological reason. Typically, diseases related to helminths and teeth. In this case, you need to bring to the veterinary to be consulted and appropriately handled.